Tyrone’s Story

Tyrone’s Story

As he lifted heavy furniture to help a shelter graduate move into their new home he had a flashback to when he was a teenager moving out of the very same shelter. Tyrone first entered the doors at Homeless Solutions when he was 16 years old with his family.  Although it’s been almost 10 years since he was at the shelter he remembers it vividly.  

Tyrone New

"I remember feeling relieved not to have to worry about things like, where will I get my next meal, I need shoes what am I going to do, or its cold out where am I going to sleep."

He actually looks back on his time at the shelter and the Transitional Housing Program fondly, “the staff and volunteers were great. They were like family.  Being there gave me hope knowing that there are people out there that cared”.  

This appreciation of hope stuck with him and is what inspired his involvement with the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Morristown.  A group of men involved in community efforts with a focus of people helping people.  Tyrone is a trustee with the group and was elated when someone suggested they help HSI with a volunteer effort. This is what brought him back to our doors.

Tyrone has had a long journey with many ups and downs but is determined to not be homeless again.  He has a good job as an IT professional and dreams of owning his own business one day. He is passionate about cycling and may even join our Gran Fondo bike team! 

He is grateful to everyone that helped get his family back on their feet.  If I saw them today I would just hug them and say thank you for caring”.

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