Success Stories

Our philosophy is “a Hand Up, not a Handout.” We are unique in what we do. It’s not just about providing a warm meal and a place to sleep. Our goal is to provide people with the tools and surroundings they need to rebuild their lives and become self-sufficient. What sets our nonprofit apart from others is our Continuum of Housing through our Main Shelter, Transitional Housing Program (THP), Mt. Kemble Home, and Affordable Housing.

Featured Stories

January 13 @ 8:57 am

Helen’s Story

“I never dreamed in a million years I would be in this position. Never. Never. I was always very independent and took care of my family.”

January 13 @ 8:57 am

Roberta’s Story

“For two years, I slept in my car, that’s two winters. I remember buying a shower curtain to use as a privacy screen while I slept and made sure I didn’t drink any water after 5 pm because there was no bathroom to use.”

January 13 @ 8:57 am

Frank’s Story

“My addiction caused me to lose everything. My job, my car, my home, my support system. I made the decision that I had to get well, or I was going to die.”

January 13 @ 8:57 am

Tyrone’s Story

“I remember feeling relieved not to have to worry about things like, where will I get my next meal, I need shoes what am I going to do, or its cold out where am I going to sleep.”

January 13 @ 8:57 am

Olga’s Story

“I once lived a life where I didn’t need to count pennies. If we wanted to see a movie, we went. If we wanted to go to dinner, we went. I’m not there yet, but I’m back on my feet living in a home we can afford. I don’t know where we would be without Homeless Solutions.”