Helen’s Story

Helen’s Story

"I never dreamed in a million years I would be in this position. Never. Never. I was always very independent and took care of my family."

This is how Helen Nunn described her situation before becoming a resident at our Mt. Kemble Home (MKH) for seniors.

Helen had a job she loved and lived a good life with her husband Charlie, a firefighter for 55 years. Everything changed almost in an instant. Charlie suffered a stroke and was then diagnosed with cancer and ultimately lost his fight. As Helen was dealing with this devastating loss, she found out there was a management change at the medical center where she worked and lost her job. She was in shock with the news after working there for over 19 years.


"There are often obstacles, but it doesn't deter me from wanting to help. When you meet that person that tells you they are homeless and have nowhere to go and you can provide them a home, it feels so good."

The loss of her husband and her job all at once was a strain on her. Not only on her mental state, but also financially. She did her best to make ends meet. "Our home was not big, but it was our house. I did everything I could to keep it, but I couldn't catch up. I literally felt like I was drowning." Ultimately, she lost the house and even her car. She lost her independence and had to face the reality that she was homeless.

A google search by her daughter-in-law is what saved her. As soon as she learned about MKH, she called immediately. She instantly loved it and was overwhelmed with joy when she knew there was an opening and she could move in! She applied to over 15 places in the area and was told it was a 3-4 year waitlist.

Helen is proud to have her independence back and excited to work again and to look for a part-time job, "I feel safe and secure, and the surroundings are so warm, it really feels like home."

She is grateful for this opportunity and thankful to Elizabeth Johnson, Senior Support Staff at MKH, who has been a great resource to her (pictured standing behind Helen). Elizabeth has been caring for seniors at the home for 15 years. She brings her passion to work every day and shares how her job is rewarding.

Learn more about the Mt. Kemble Home

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