An Empowering Partnership
February 4, 2022
Easy Peasy Carmel Cheesy, White Cheddar Go Getter, and Little Kettle that Could were among the witty popcorn flavors that arrived as part of an “Empower with Popcorn” campaign. We have Empower The Village (ETV) to thank for the huge boxes we received to help stock our shelter pantry. We also have them to thank for a large box of hard to get COVID test kits. ETV Executive Director Cheryl Easley and ETV Founder, CEO & President Ayo Sanderson Wilson originally became involved with HSI decades ago through their service with the Morris County Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc. Each month, different families served a hot breakfast at the shelter. “Year in and year out, this service has remained among the most gratifying experiences for MCJJ teens and their parents.”
ETV and HSI were brought together last year at a Grant Reception hosted by a shared funding partner. We quickly realized our visions were aligned, and a partnership would make a difference in the community. Cheryl summed it up best, “We recognize that community support of the underserved, and the impact we can collectively offer in the interest of service, is amplified when organizations with similar interests seek opportunities to work in concert to achieve a common end.”
Their mission at ETV is to restore prosperity, peace, and power to the Black and underserved communities. They are a young organization but already making a big impact with much more than popcorn! Through their efforts to promote national voter education and outreach program Operation: Ballot Box, and impressive Village Black Pages directories, resource guides to help consumers and those committed to racial equity, locate and support Black-owned businesses and entrepreneurs around the country. Our partnership is empowering, and as Cheryl puts it, “HSI’s mission ideally aligns with those ETV seeks in their village partners. They not only provide a safety net, but they also empower their shelter guests and clients by offering supplemental services like budgeting, parenting, healthcare, and employment counseling and training.“ We are thankful for all the ways ETV supports our organization, and we are honored to be part of their village.